Security Guard Services for Freight & Cargo

Enhance Security for City Department Stores and Freight Locations

Large department stores like Target and Walmart are vital economic engines in most cities, receiving regular shipments to fulfill consumer demands, including same-day delivery options. With the continuous influx of freight, security measures become imperative, particularly at freight unloading locations and warehouses servicing stores like IKEA.

Orange County’s Freight and Cargo Security Guard Services

Freight unloading locations in Orange County operate around the clock, making security essential both during the day and at night. The sheer size of these warehouse locations necessitates foot patrols to deter thieves who may take advantage of busy nighttime operations. Foot personnel are better equipped to detect and prevent theft, as thieves can easily conceal themselves among cargo, vehicles, and boxes.

AF Patrol Freight and Cargo Security Services

Cargo ships are prime targets for thieves due to their massive size and limited security measures. Lack of surveillance cameras onboard or at the docks makes it easy for thieves to exploit vulnerabilities and steal valuable cargo. On-foot personnel provide a crucial layer of security, deterring unauthorized access to ships and surrounding dock areas during loading and unloading operations. Trust AF Patrol to safeguard your freight and cargo assets with professional security services tailored to your needs.


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